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Wacom Cintiq or not Cintiq...

Been longing for a Wacom Cintiq 21UX since playing with one at VizThink 08... surprise, surprise, it the cost which has put the purchase off so far.

Now I really really want to get one, they recently hiked the already huge price up by a couple of hundred £s!

Weird thing is, they are nightmare to get hold of, there are some around but are either even more expensive than RRP or suspiciously reduced which may mean grey imports?

After 12WX release and now the Intuos 4 I am thinking an upgrade to 21UX may be in offing as LCD technology has also improved since it was launched and Wacom have updated the styling on recent models... how sick would I be if I have finally just laid out cash to have a much improved model appear!?

Might just hang off a bit yet...


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